Content of this guide


The summary of the ticket report can be found on Work Sessions-page under Tickets: Dashboard -> Summary. Summary shows a condensed version of the ticket report. Among other things, the report shows how many tickets are open, awaiting resolution, or overdue. You can also include resolved tickets to the summary by selecting "Show resolved"-checkbox as active, in which case the number of resolved tickets will be displayed in addition to the defaults.

Summary filters

  • Time frame: You can filter the summary to only tickets created within a certain time period by setting the start and end dates in the date fields. You can also use only one date filter, in which case tickets before the start date or older than the end date are limited from the view.
  • Search: Clicking the "Search" button opens a window for searching tickets using a search term (e.g. content or a title of a ticket). You can also configure the search to include e.g. only attachments with that name. You can also limit the results to only tickets in the open / closed state.
  • Priority: You can filter the summary to see only tickets with the selected priority.
  • Tag: You can filter the summary to only the tickets containing the selected tags.
  • State: You can filter the summary to only tickets with the selected status. If you wish to view tickets in "Closed" or "Resolved" status, go to the "Resolved" tab, which is covered in ticketing guide 10.1.2.
  • Business line: You can filter the summary to only tickets with the selected business line.
  • Agent: You can filter the summary to only tickets belonging to certain agents.
  • Team: You can filter the summary to only tickets assigned for a certain team.
  • Customer: You can filter the summary to only tickets assigned to certain customers.
  • Types: If ticket types have been defined for the Koho-environment, you can also filter summary results according to them.
  • Watched: By selecting this box, only the tickets in which you are marked as a follower will be displayed in the listing.
  • Show resolved: With this setting, you can also display tickets marked as resolved and closed in the summary.

You can save and clear the filters you are using by clicking the cog-icon on the left side of the date-filters. Clicking the icon opens a window where you can save the settings you have set by clicking the "Save settings" button. When saving, Koho asks you to enter a name for the saved filters, after which the borders can be used from the drop-down menu above the save button and by pressing "Select". From that window, you can also clear all filters by pressing the "Clear form" button.

The "Unresolved" field in the Summary report shows the number of open tickets. "Resolved" field shows the number of resolved and closed tickets. "On hold" shows all pending tickets and "Late" shows all overdue tickets.

The summary table shows the number of tickets assigned to responsible agents, as well as the status of those tickets. By clicking on the number in the agent's status column, the tickets in that status will be opened listed in a preview window. A search term can be used in the "Filter" field to filter the table e.g. by agent's name.


The Report tab displays a more detailed report of the tickets. The report can be filtered e.g. by priority, status, tag, category, agent or customer. The report can be grouped on three different levels, e.g. by agent, by customer and by month. The report can also be viewed in a diagram and exported to excel.

Report filters

  • Time frame: You can filter the report to only tickets created within a certain time period by setting the start and end dates in the date fields. You can also use only one date filter, in which case tickets before the start date or older than the end date are filtered from the results. From the "Created" field on the left side of the date fields, you can choose whether to filter tickets only based on the creation date (Created), the resolution date (Resolved) or both (Created or Resolved).
  • Priority: You can filter the report to only tickets with the selected priority.
  • Status: You can filter the report to only tickets with the selected status.
  • Tag: You can filter the report to only the tickets containing the selected tag.
  • Category: You can filter the report to only tickets with the selected business line.
  • Agent: You can filter the report to only tickets belonging to selected agents.
  • Team: You can filter the view to only tickets defined for a selected team.
  • Customer: You can filter the report to only tickets assigned to selected customers.
  • TypeIf ticket types have been defined for the Koho-environment, you can also filter summary results according to them.
  • Group by: Group by-fields can be used to group the report up to three different levels.
  • Show: Additional columns with more detailed information about the tickets can be specified to be displayed on the report by selecting them in the "Show"-section:
    • Total: Displays a column showing the total number of tickets in the row.
    • Resolved: Adds a column to the report that shows the number of resolved tickets based on the time frame defined for the report.
    • SLA: Näyttää raportissa sarakkeet, joista nähdään tikettien SLA-tilat.
    • Status: Shows the columns in the report that show the SLA statuses of the tickets.
    • Reviews: If the company is using ticket feedback, this setting shows the grading columns related to the feedback visible on the report.
    • Stat percent: Adds columns to the report that tell about the average first response time and the resolution of tickets per agent.
    • Process: Adds columns to the report that show the number of tickets assigned to processes, along with their statuses.
    • Sub totals: Adds sub total rows to the report, which shows the total values of the group's columns.

The report can also be exported to Excel from the "Excel" button next to the "Show"-settings.

"Unresolved" field of the report shows the number of unresolved tickets. "Resolved" field shows the number of resolved and closed tickets. "On hold" field shows the amount of pending tickets and "Late" shows all overdue tickets.

On the left side of the chart button, there is a listing that serves as a summary, showing the number of tickets that arrived within the time frame specified for the report, as well as the number of resolved tickets. The listing also shows the average first response time, ticket resolution time, and how many tickets have been resolved within the SLA.

Chart-button opens a chart, which shows the number of tickets assigned to each responsible agent based on the specified time frame.

Rec. Emails

On the "Rec. Emails" tab, you can view the messages that have arrived in the ticketing e-mail inbox. The tab shows the received messages almost in real time and lists them so that the oldest message appears at the top. The listing shows the sender and recipient of the message, the title of the message in the "Info" column, and the status of the message in the "Ticket" column. If the message has not yet been imported as a ticket to Koho, it can also be imported manually by clicking the "Import" button. The list also shows messages received from e-mail addresses blocked via ticketing as not imported.

The "Rec. Emails" tab can be found on "Work sessions"-page under Tickets: Dashboard -> Rec. Emails and is only visible to users whose ticketing permissions are set to "All + admins" with exception of regular admin users.

Sent Emails

On the "Sent Emails" tab, you can view messages sent from the ticketing email address. The listing shows the sender and recipient of the message, the title and time information of the message in the "Info" column, and the status of the transmission in the "Ticket" column.

The "Sent Emails" tab can be found on "Work sessions"-page under Tickets: Dashboard -> Sent Emails and is only visible to users whose ticketing permissions are set to "All + admins" with exception of regular admin users.


On the Templates tab, you can manage and create pre-made ticket templates, which can be used especially when creating frequently repeated tickets. When ticket templates containing general basic information are created, the creation of new tickets speeds up significantly, as the basic information can always be retrieved directly from the template.

You can create a new templates by clicking the "+ Template" button. Already existing ticket templates are listed under the "Name" heading, and by clicking on the name of the ticket template, the editing mode of the template opens, where you can still make changes to the content of the template.

"Templates" tab can be found on "Work sessions"-page under Tickets: Dashboard -> Templates and is only visible to users whose ticketing permissions are set to "All + admins" with exception of regular admin users.

Creating a new template

Creating a new template works mainly the same way as creating a new ticket. Existing templates can be further used for template creation by selecting the template to be used from the "Select template"-drop-down menu. On the template form you can define a name for the template, type (if Koho-environment has ticket types established), priority, team responsibility, agent responsibility, possible followers, copy recipients, ticket subject, Inbox (e-mail to which ticket messages are directed), description, tags, informative hourly estimate, and possible attachments. You can learn more about the creation of the ticket template and the fields to be filled in from this link: Creating a new ticket

When the fields of the template form have been filled in, the form can be saved by pressing the "Save" button.