Contents of the article:
- Using Timecard with the search bar
- Editing an active session
1. Using Timecard with the search bar
The Timecard is a great tool for tracking sessions in real time. The most simple way to use Timecard is to click the search bar at the top of the page or to use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Z (option + Z for Mac).
From the search bar you can search for the desired customer, project or task. If you cannot see the results you are looking for, try using multiple keywords to get more specific results since the amount of results is restricted.
Click on the task you want to start tracking time for. You can also use the arrow keys to select the preferred task and push enter to start tracking time for the underlined task.
The Timecard starts tracking time for the selected task. You can see the active session on the right top corner of the page. To stop tracking time, click the "Stop" button. Finished sessions appear on the "Unconfirmed" page where you can edit, continue or accept them. Read more about processing sessions on the "Unconfirmed" page from these solution articles: 2.2.2 Timecard - Editing session on the "Unconfirmed"-tab and 2.2.3 Timecard - Continuing, confirming and deleting sessions.
2. Editing an active session
You can edit an active session by clicking the edit icon on the left corner of the box.

On the edit window you can make the following changes to the active session:
- Start: Start time for the session.
- Set ending: If you know the end time of the session beforehand, you can fill it in this field. This will automatically stop the session. Refresh the page afterwards.
- Task: You can change the task of the session by choosing another task from the dropdown menu. The new task is visible after refreshing the page.
- Invoice description: An invoice description that is visible on the customer's invoice.
- Internal comment: An internal comment that is visible e.g. for the biller, but not for the customer.
- Adding a product:
- You can add a product by selecting the product from the dropdown menu and then clicking on the "Add" button.
- After you have added the product, you can still edit its name, invoice description, amount, price and cost per product.
- You can delete the product from the "Delete" button.
- If you click on the edit symbol next to the "Delete" button, you can open additional settings where you can choose an accounting target and add attachments to the product. From the "Folder" menu you can choose to which folder the attachments are saved.
- Target to assignment: It is also possible to target sessions to an assignment. You can choose the assignment and period from this field.
- Target to phase: If the project has a project plan, you can target the session to a phase on the project plan by clicking on the "Target to phase" link.
- Save: After you have done the necessary changes, click on the "Save" button.
You can close the edit window from the "x" symbol on the right top corner of the window.