When you press the "Stop" button on the active session, the session goes to the user's "Unconfirmed" tab. The tab displays all sessions that have not yet been confirmed. 

1. Functions of a session row

  • Star icon: By pressing the star icon, you can set the session row as a favorite, and that session will always rise above the non-favorites in the list. To return a favorite session to a non-favorite, press the star again.
  • Checkbox: The check box allows you to select more than one session row at a time. This is used, for example, to combine sessions. You can learn more about making combined sessions from this link: Timecard - Combined sessions.
  • Subject: Click the name of the session row in the "Subject" column to open the session edit view. This will be discussed at a later stage.
  • Continue: To continue session, press the "Cont." button.
  • Confirm: You can confirm a single session row by clicking the "Confirm" button, after which the session will be forwarded to the biller.
  • Remove: You can delete a single session row by pressing the "Remove" button.

The instructions for continuing, confirming and deleting sessions are described in more detail in this guide: 2.2.3 Timecard - Continuing, confirming and deleting sessions.

2. Session edit view

The user can edit the information in the session row by clicking on the name of that session.

In the edit view, you can edit:

  • Date: You can change the session date.
  • Time: You can change the start and end time of the session either by entering a new time directly in the fields or, alternatively, by clicking on the field and using the sliders. Koho also calculates the time in the "Hours" and "Int." -fields based on this.
  • Hours: If needed, you can enter your own number of hours in the "Hours (billable or contractable hours)" field.
  • Int.: You can also enter your own number of hours in the "Internal (internal hours)" field.
  • Customer: 
    • You can post a comment to the session's customer by pressing the "+ Comment" button, after which the comment will appear on the customer's customer card.
    • You can also change the customer by clicking the edit button to the right of the customer's name and searching for a new customer in the search box that opens.
  • Task:
    • + other projects: You can search for other projects for that customer in the "Task" drop-down list after pressing the "+ other projects" button.
    • To change the session's task, click the drop-down menu and select another task from the list.
  • Partition: You can divide the session's hours with other customers using the "Partition" button. This will be discussed at a later stage.
  • Invoice description: You can edit the session's invoice description (shows on the customer's invoice).
  • Internal comment: You can also edit the internal comment (visible to the biller, for example).
  • Attachments: To add attachments to the session, press the "+ add" button and select the file to be added.
  • + Product: You can add products to the session by pressing the "+ Product" button (more detailed instructions below). The addition of products is used especially for performance-based invoicing (e.g. payroll), in which case the hours worked are not charged but the actual invoicing criteria are added to the session as products.
  • Matkakulu (oletus): If your company has the Travel Expenses feature enabled, you can use the "Travel Expense (Default)" button to add a default travel expense for the session. After pressing the Travel Expense button, a travel expense line is created, where you can still edit the product name, quantity, price, cost and invoice.
  • Target to assignment: You can apply a session to an assignment from the right side of the edit view, or you can confirm stages as completed when the session is targeted to an assignment.
  • Save: Press the "Save" button to save your changes.
  • Remove: You can also delete your session by pressing the "Remove" button, in which case Koho will still ask if you want to delete it.

3. Adding products to a session

Open the session in the edit view and select "+ Product" in the lower left corner. Select the desired products from the product list by pressing the "+" button in the product row. When the products are selected, press "Add selected products". You can use the search bar in the window to narrow down the product listing. You can also add product packages if your company has created any. To cancel adding products, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the window or press the ESC button.

After adding the products, you can still edit the product name, quantity, price, cost / pcs, and you can add a separate invoice description for the products. Products can  be removed from the session by clicking the "Delete" button on the right side of the product row. The edit button to the right of the "Delete" button opens the advanced settings of the product, from which you can set the accounting target for the product (if the target is left blank, Koho will set it automatically according to the general settings). You can also add an attachment to the product from the advanced settings. Be sure to save to the session after adding the products.

4. Session row: Partitioning hours to customers

You can use partition to split the session's hours among multiple customers by pressing the "Partition" button in the session edit view. A window will open on the right side of the page, from which you should select the "Partition by hand" tab. Press the "+ Customer" button to add a customer field. Select the customer to whom you want to divide the hours. You can add multiple customer rows by pressing the "+ Customer" button. In the field to the right of the customer, enter the number of hours that you want to divide. Once the customers are selected, press the "Divide" button.

After pressing the "Divide" button, Koho creates session rows for the customers defined in the partition on the "Unconfirmed" tab based on the number of hours assigned to them. Koho also creates an internal comment for the partitioned sessions that explains which shift it was partitioned from and the name of the customer from whom the session was partitioned.