Contents of this article:
1. Creating an expense invoice
3. Processing expense invoices
4. Invoicing expenses from a quick sales
5. Invoicing expenses from a project
In Koho, it is possible to create expense invoices that can include travel days, journeys (kilometers) and other expenses. If necessary, you can also add billable products to expense invoices that you can invoice from your customers. From the "Excel" button you can export all unconfirmed expense invoices to an Excel file. From the "Attachments (ZIP)" button you can download all attachments that have been added to the expense invoices into a zip folder.
Note that expense invoices is an additional feature that needs to be activated by our customer service. If you would like to try this feature, please contact us at
1. Creating an expense invoice
You can create a new expense invoice by clicking the "+Expense" button. If your company is using express buttons for expense invoices, you can also click the car symbol next to the "+Session" button.
On the expense invoice you can make the following definitions:
1 Basic information:
- Name / Reason: Give a name to the expense invoice
- Description: You can also give a description to the expense invoice
- Employee: As a default Koho selects the employee who is creating the expense invoice. The employee can be changed by clicking the field. From the dropdown menu you can choose another employee.
- Customer / Project: From the dropdown menu you can select a customer and a project to whom the expense is targeted.
2 Travel days: Click the "+Add" button to add a new travel day row where you can make the following definitions:
- Start date and time of the travel day
- End date and time of the travel day
- Meals payed: You can select how many meals were paid during the travel day.
- Meal compensation: You can select whether the meals will be compensated.
- Remove: By selecting the "Remove" field, the row is deleted when the expense invoice is saved.
3 Journeys Click the "+Add" button to add a new journey row where you can make the following definitions:
- Start date: Select a date.
- Vehicle: Fill in information about the vehicle, e.g. registration number.
- Kilometers (Start): Fill in the amount of kilometers before the journey.
- Kilometers (End): Fill in the amount of kilometers after the journey.
- Kilometers (In total): If you filled the start and end fields, Koho calculates the amount of kilometers automatically. You can also fill the total kilometers manually.
- €/km: Fill in the compensation per kilometer.
- Route: You can fill in the route, if necessary.
- Remove: By selecting the "Remove" field, the row is deleted when the expense invoice is saved.
- + Passenger: If there have been additional passengers on the journey, you can fill their information by clicking this link.
4 Costs: Click the "+Add" button to add a new cost:
- Date: Fill in the date of the cost.
- Amount: Fill in the amount of the cost.
- Description: You can give a description to the cost.
- Product type: You can select a product type by clicking the field and then selecting the type from the list.
- Foreign countries: If necessary, you can select the foreign countries field if the cost is from another country.
- Remove: By selecting the "Remove" field, the row is deleted when the expense invoice is saved.
- Choose file: You can add an attachment that is related to the cost (e.g. a receipt).
5 Billing: You can also add billable expenses to the invoice. Click the "+Add" link to add a new billing row.
- Product: Select the product to which the billing will be targeted at.
- Name: Fill in the product's name (if this field is left empty, the targeted product's name is used).
- Pcs.: Fill in the amount of products.
- Price: Fill in the price of the product.
- Cost/pcs: If necessary, fill in the cost per product.
- Invoice description: You can give an invoice description for the product.
- Delete: You can delete the row by clicking the "Delete" button.
Finally click the "Save" button to create the invoice. After saving, the expense invoice can be seen on the "Unconfirmed" tab on the "Expenses" view. Alternatively, you can click the "+ Confirm" button to save and confirm the invoice at the same time. Then the expense invoice can be found on the "Unapproved" tab.
After the expense invoice has been created, but not confirmed, you can make changes to it on the "Unconfirmed" tab.
2. Editing expense invoices
You can open the invoice to editing by clicking its row on the "Unconfirmed" tab.
Expense invoices can be deleted by clicking the "Delete"-button on top of the invoice. It can also be copied by clicking the "Copy"-button. From the "Excel"-button the expense invoice can be exported to an excel file.
On the expense invoice window you can make changes to the invoice (see part 1 of this article for more information on the different fields). After you have made the necessary changes, click the "Save" button (only saving) or "+Confirm" button (saving and confirming).
When the expense invoice is ready for confirmation, click the "Confirm" button on the invoice row.
3. Processing expense invoices
Confirmed expense invoices can be processed on the management side of Koho on the "Expenses" tab of the "Invoices" section. On the "Unapproved" tab you can see a list of confirmed expense invoices that can be checked and finally be approved and archived. They can also be returned to the employee if something needs to be edited.
The expense invoices can be filtered by date, employee and project. By clicking an expense invoice the invoice is opened into an edit window where you can check the contents of the invoice. When the expense invoice is ready to be archived, click the "Archive"-button on the right side of the row.
You can also archive the expense invoice on the edit window by pressing the "Archive"-button. There are also other functions for the expense invoice on the edit window: it can be deleted, returned to an unconfirmed state, copied or exported to an Excel file.
4. Invoicing expenses from a quick sales
If the expense invoice has billable rows, Koho creates a quick sale from them when the invoice is archived. The quick sale can then be invoiced from the customer. You can read more about invoicing quick sales from this article: 4.2.2 Sales - Confirming and invoicing sales.
5. Invoicing expenses from a project
The expenses on an expense invoice can also be invoiced directly from the selected project as the invoice is approved. This needs to be configured by our customer service, so please contact us if you would like to use this feature.
After the feature has been activated, you can define in the project's invoicing settings if you want that the expense invoices for the project will be invoiced. On the expense invoice you also need to set a product type for the cost. When the expense invoice is then approved, Koho creates a new session for the project for a task called "Expenses" (if the task has not been created, Koho creates a hidden task for the project) and the cost can be seen under this session for the selected product type.
When the expense invoice is approved, Koho creates a billable session for the project.