From "My settings" you can edit settings that are applied only to your own workspace. At the moment you can edit settings that are related to notifications and quick sessions.

Contents of this article.

"My settings" button can be found on top of the board.

1. Notifications

You can enable / disable notifications from the "Show notifications" field. After you have enabled notifications, you can make further definitions on the notification settings.

  • Notifications about changes: You will get a notification if another user makes changes to cards.
  • Incoming start date notifications: You will get a notification 7 days prior to the start date
  • Incoming due date notifications: You will get a notification 7 days prior to the due date
  • Notifications only for responsible items: You will get notifications from all your personal boards and cards from shared boards where you were set as responsible

After you have saved the changes, you can see a new symbol on the navigation bar where the notifications will show up. If you take your cursor above the symbol, you can see the notifications.

2. Quick session

If your company is using quick sessions, you can also add quick sessions to your cards by selecting the "Show quick session" option. Remember to save.

You can see the quick session on the card below the dates. 

You can start the session by clicking the arrow symbol. If needed, you can give an invoice description before starting the session. From the "+" symbol you can add a new session to the "Unconfirmed" page. The card's title is added automatically as the internal comment to the session.

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