If you want to update existing products, it is recommended to start with exporting your current product register into an excel file. In "Settings", go to the "Products" page and click on the "Excel" button.

Set column connections
Import settings
You can make the following definitions for the import:
- Update records by field: This setting defines which field Koho will use to update existing records. We recommend to use the product ID because it is unique for each product. If all imported products are new, you can leave this field empty.
- New records: If you select "Skip", Koho skips all new products and they are not created into the system.
- Existing records: If you select "Skip", Koho will skip all existing products. If you are trying to update e.g. the prices of existing products, then you should select the "Update" option.
- Skip first row: With this selection, the first row of the table is not imported. This is selected as a default because the first row usually has titles for the columns.
- Skip rows with blank values: This option can be used to skip all rows that have at least one empty field. This can be used to skip e.g. titles.

In order to complete the import, you must first preview the changes by clicking on the "Preview" button. In the preview window you can see if the transfer file was correctly formed and the products that will be imported. If you need to fix the transfer file, you must correct mistakes in the original file and then start the import from the beginning.
On the "State" column you can see whether it's a new product or if you are editing an existing product. When editing an existing product, you can see the changes on each cell. After you have checked that the information is correct, you can close the window.
Now you can click on the "Import" button. Depending on the amount of the products, the import can take some time. Do not leave the page until Koho confirms that the import is ready.
If you have any questions or run into problems when importing products, please contact our customer service at asiakaspalvelu@kohosales.com.