Contents of the article

1. The Resolved tab

2. The Resolved tab

After ticketing has been configured to the Koho account, ticketing can be found on the "Tickets" section in "Work sessions". Using ticketing requires that the user has access to ticketing. Visible tickets can also be restricted from the user's settings (articles 3.6.1 Creating a new user and 3.6.5 User profiles have more information on how to edit user's permissions and settings).

1. The Resolved tab

You can find all open tickets on the "Tickets - Active" tab of the "Work sessions" view. In the main view, tickets that do not have an agent yet (unassigned group) are listed first by default.

Filtering and changing the order of the ticket listing

At the top of the page, you can find functions that allow you to filter the visible tickets and change their order:

  • Date: You can limit the view to show only tickets created within a certain time period by setting the start and end dates in the date fields. You can also set only one date, in which case tickets before the start date or older than the end date are limited from the view.
  • Default: You can change the order of the listing, e.g. according to the latest message, priority or status.
  • Ascending: You can choose the order of the listing as ascending or descending.
  • Expand: You can change the ticket rows of the listing to be either in expanded or condensed format.
  • Search: By clicking on the "Search" button, a new window opens for a more detailed search. On the window you can search for tickets using a search term and configure the search e.g. to show only attachments with that name. You can also limit the results to only tickets that are in open or resolved state.
  • Priority: You can filter the listing to show only tickets with the selected priority.
  • State: You can filter the listing to show only the tickets with the selected status. Note that to view tickets in "Closed" or "Resolved" status, go to the "Resolved" tab, which is covered in the second part of this article.
  • Category: You can filter the listing to show only tickets with the selected business line.
  • Agent: You can filter the listing to show only tickets belonging to certain agents.
  • Team: You can filter the listing to show only tickets belonging to certain teams.
  • Customer: You can filter the listing to show only tickets targeted to specific customers.
  • Type: If ticket types have been defined, they can also be used for filtering the listing.
  • Watched: By selecting this field you can see only tickets that you are watching.

You can update the ticket listing by clicking the update button to the right of the "Search" button.

You can also save or clear the filters you are using by clicking the gear button on the left side of the date falter. By clicking on the image of the gear, a window opens where you can save the selected filters by clicking the "Save settings" button. When saving, Koho asks you to enter a name for the selected filters. After saving the filters can be found from the drop-down menu above the save button. From the same window, you can also conveniently clear all filters by pressing the "Clear form" button.

Ticket groups can be closed and opened by clicking the group title.

Various functions can be found on the right side of the filtering section:

  • Overdue: By pressing the icon, only overdue tickets are shown in the ticket listing.
  • Due in 24h: By pressing the icon, only tickets due in 24 hours are shown in the ticket listing.
  • No customer set: By pressing the icon, only tickets without a customer are shown in the ticket listing.
  • No agent: By pressing the icon, only tickets without agent are shown in the ticket listing.
  • Notifications: By pressing the icon, a window opens showing a list of ticketing events and notifications.
  • New ticket: The button opens a new ticket creation window. The creation of a new ticket is described in more detail in this article: Koho Ticketing - Creating a new ticket

The number on the red background above the round icons indicates the number of tickets that fit within the filter of the icon (see above). In this case, the icon button can be used as a filter.

When an employee sees a new ticket that has arrived in the system, they can set themselves as an agent for the ticket by clicking the "Mark ticket responsibility for himself" button on the right side of the "Agent" field. Alternatively, the ticket handler (agent) can be specified by clicking on the "Agent" field and selecting the agent from the drop-down menu.

Functions of the quick view of the ticket

  • Name: By pressing the ticket name, you can open the ticket processing form in a new tab.
  • Customer: By pressing the customer's name, the customer card opens in a new tab.
  • Priority: You can change the priority of the ticket by pressing the priority field and selecting the priority from the drop-down menu.
  • State: Pressing the ticket status field opens a menu where you can change the ticket status.
  • Team: By pressing the team field, you can select the team for which the ticket is displayed.
  • Agent: By pressing the agent field, a handler can be assigned to the ticket.
  • Watchers: By pressing the eye or heart icon, you can add yourself as a watcher to the ticket. On the right side of the icon you can see the initials of all watchers of the ticket.
  • Session: You can enter a session for the ticket by pressing the "Session" button and entering the necessary information for the session. If you are not familiar with saving sessions, you can learn more about it from this link: 2.4.1 Adding a work session with the "+Session" button
  • Start: You can start an active session for the ticket by pressing the "Start" button and then selecting a task from the list that opens.
  • Assign: You can assign a ticket to an assignment by pressing the "Assign" button and selecting an assignment from the menu that opens.

By clicking on the background of the quick form or the circle on the left side, you can open a preview window of the ticket processing form. You can read more about ticket processing from this link: 10.1.4 Processing tickets

A ticket without a customer must be assigned to a customer before a handler can be assigned to the ticket. By clicking the drop-down menu on the right side, you can select a customer from existing customers. If a new customer needs to be created for the ticket, you can access the customer creation window by pressing the "Create" button. Read more about creating a new customer from this article: 3.1.1 Creating a customer. After creating the customer, the page should be refreshed or the update icon next to the search field should be pressed, so that the new customer appears in the customer menu.

2. The Resolved tab

Only tickets set to "Resolved" and "Closed" status can be viewed on the "Resolved" tab. By default, the tickets are arranged in ascending order according to the due date. Otherwise, the functions on the "Resolved" tab are similar to the "Active" tab, which is discussed in the first part of this article.

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