6. Assignments without the to-do list
1. Using assignments
Assignments are pre-created shifts that can include a list of actions. Assignments can be either one-time or recurring, such as a customer’s monthly accounting.
The assignments assigned to each employee by the employer can be found at: Work sessions -> Assignments: Own -tab. Assignments are listed so that the assignment with the oldest date is always at the top.
You can filter assignments just like unconfirmed sessions by using the corresponding filter options. If you are unfamiliar with using the filters, you can learn more at this link: Timecard - Utilize filters on the "Unconfirmed" tab.
In addition, clicking the wheel icon on the left side of the date-filter opens a window where you can save the filters you have set by clicking the "Save settings" button. When saving, Koho will ask you to enter a name for the filters to be saved, after which the filters can be selected from the drop-down menu above the save button and utilized by pressing "Choose".
You can clear all currently used filters from that window by pressing the "Clear form" button.
You can select the "New only" checkbox to the right of the filters, which excludes all already started assignments from the list. Selecting the "Requirements" checkbox displays the requirements of the assignment in the assignment row. Selecting the "Employees" checkbox displays the employees in charge of the assignment in the assignment row.
The "Clear confirmed" button removes assignment rows from your assignment view that have already been completed but for which you have not yet tracked hours. The button can be used to delete assignments from assignment view that have already been completed by a colleague in which you have not participated.
To start tracking hours for the assignment, press the "Cont." button on the right side of the assignment row.
The task specified in the assignment becomes the active session. You can edit the session information just like a normal session. If you are unfamiliar with editing sessions, you can read about it from this link: Timecard - Editing sessions on the "Unconfirmed" tab.
When you press the "Stop" button, the session goes to the "Unconfirmed" tab, where you can continue, make changes, or confirm it as completed.
You can also create a separate session from the assignment on the "Unconfirmed" tab by pressing the "+" button. If you are unfamiliar with creating a session, you can read more about it from this link: Session entry with the "+ Session" button.
An employer is able to define multiple required actions called requirements within a single assignment, each with its own deadline. The requirements help to guide the progress of each assignment. Koho displays a warning if an attempt is made to confirm an assignment that contains uncompleted requirements.
You can find assignments that have been started but are still in progress on the "Unconfirmed" tab. By clicking the assignment row, you can see the requirements of the assignment and by clicking them you can confirm them as completed. The completed actions are listed in green and the pending ones in gray. The date to the right of each action indicates the deadline set for it. When you confirm a required action as completed, the date on which the confirmation is made replaces the action's deadline.
Your assignments will remain on the "Unconfirmed" tab until you have confirmed all the required actions as completed or confirmed the session with the "Confirm" button on the right side of the row. Note! If the session is confirmed without completing all required actions, the assignment will not be confirmed as completed, but the session will be removed from the "Unconfirmed" tab and moved to the biller (see: Confirming an uncompleted assignment's session). The employee may continue and stop the session of the assignment until the required actions are completed and the assignment is ready for completing in its entirety.
Confirming an uncompleted assignment's session
The sessions of an assignment can be confirmed to invoicing even if all of the required actions are not yet marked completed. If you confirm a session that has uncompleted actions, Koho opens a window which warns about uncompleted actions. If you want leave the actions as uncompleted and confirm the sessions, click the "Confirm sessions" button. After this, the assignment can only be found from the "Assignment - All" tab that is discussed later in this article. You can also confirm all requirements at the same time by clicking the "Confirm requirements" button. Single requirements can be confirmed by clicking the requirement.
2. Sharing assignments
Assignments can be shared to other employees if necessary. Use the date filter to show only the assignments that you want to share. Then click the "Share" button.
On the new window you must choose an employee to whom the assignment is shared. Then click the "Share to employee" button. You can also remove shared assignments from selected employees by selecting the "Remove from previous employees" field.
You can also share a single assignment. Open the assignment for editing by clicking the assignment row. Then on the edit form click the "Share assignment" link.
A new window is opened where you can select the employee to whom the assignment will be shared. If you want to share the assignment to several employees, click the "Share to many" link. Then select the desired employees. Finally click the "Share to employee" button.
3. Actions: Calendar - tab
You can see all uncompleted requirements in a calendar form on the "Calendar" tab. The calendar shows how many uncompleted requirements you have per day. If you click a day from the calendar, you can see a list of the requirements for that day grouped by customers below the calendar. If you click a customer's name, you can see a list of the requirements, their due dates and hour estimates. You can also mark the requirements as completed by clicking the "Mark completed" link.
In the calendar, you can switch between months by clicking the arrow buttons above the calendar or by selecting a date from the time selection on the right side of the calendar. You can filter the calendar by customer, assignment category, requirement, employee or team. By selecting the "Completed" field, you can also see completed requirements on the calendar. If the requirements have hourly estimates, you can see the total amount of estimates per day by choosing the "Hours" field.
If you want to, you can mark all listed requirements as completed by clicking the "Mark all completed" button. After this, Koho asks again if you really want to mark them as completed.
4. Actions: All - tab
On the "Actions: All" tab you can see all requirements in a list. On each row you can see the due date of the requirement, customer's name, responsible employees, target assignment and term and the name of the requirement. As a default the list is ordered by due date but you can change the order by clicking the column titles.
You can filter the requirements in many ways:
- The wheel icon: Clicking the wheel icon opens up a window where you can save current filters by clicking the "Save settings" button or clear all filters by clicking the "Clear form" button
- Time selection: You can set a time period and only requirements within that period are shown in the list.
- Employee: You can filter to your own requirements, show all requirements or select an employee whose requirements are shown.
- Customer: You can select customers whose requirements are shown.
- Customer responsible: You can select whose responsible customers are shown.
- Category: You can select the assignment category.
- Requirement: You can filter by requirements.
- Completed: By selecting the "Completed" field you will also see completed requirements.
- Employees: By selecting the "Employees" field, you can see responsible employees in the "Target" column.
You can mark requirements as completed by clicking the "Complete" button on the requirement row. You can also start to track a session for the requirement by clicking the "Cont." button.
You can also open the customer card from this view by clicking the customer's name (depending on your permissions).
Next to the assignment's name there is an edit symbol. If you click on that symbol, it opens a new window where you can see a list of all requirements for the assignment. ln the window you can edit requirements' name, due date, description and hour estimates. You can also mark requirements as completed by giving them a completion date.
It's possible to mark requirements as locked by choosing the "Locked" field. Locking means that these requirements are not automatically updated if the assignment template is edited.
You can even add new requirements by clicking the "+ Requirement" button. From the "Ignore" button you can ignore the whole assignment which marks all requirements as completed and the date they were ignored appears on the description box. Remember to save if you made some changes.5. Assignments: All
On the "Assignments: All" page each employee has a possibility to view all assignments of the company (if their visibility to customers is not restricted). On the page employees can leave notes to the assignment's comment field, mark requirements as completed or start tracking sessions for the assignments. The assignments can be filtered in many ways:
- The wheel icon: Clicking the wheel icon opens up a window where you can save current filters by clicking the "Save settings" button or clear all filters by clicking the "Clear form" button
- Time selection: You can set a time period and only assignments within that period are shown.
- Customer: You can select customers whose assignments are shown.
- Customer responsible: You can select whose responsible customers are shown.
- Category: You can select the assignment category.
- Continuity: You can filter by the continuity of the assignments e.g. show only assignments that occur monthly.
- Responsibilities: You can filter by the assignment responsibles.
- Requirement: You can filter by requirements. If you use the requirements filter, an additional filter appears on its right side where you can define whether you want to see all requirements or only uncompleted or completed requirements.
- "+" symbol: By clicking on this symbol you can add more requirement filters.
- List requirements: By selecting this field, you can see all requirements listed below the assignments. Completed requirements are shown with green colour and uncompleted are shown with red colour.
- Completed: By selecting the "Completed" field you will also see completed requirements.
- List employees: By selecting the "List employees" field, you can see responsible employees under each assignment.
- Filter: Target date: If you select this field, the time selection starts from the exact dates you selected on the time selection.
You can go to the customer or project card by clicking on their name on the "Target" column (depending on your permissions). If you click on the amount of hours on the "Hours" column, you can see a list of all sessions that have been tracked for the assignment. By clicking the amount of requirements, you can mark requirements as completed or change their due date. Next to that there is an edit symbol that opens the list of requirements that was discussed in more detail in section 4 of this article.
You can start tracking a session for the assignment by clicking the "Start" button. From the "+Add" button you can add a new session for the assignment. If you are not familiar with this, you can read more about it from this article: 2.4.1 Adding a work session with the "+Session" button.
You can share assignments to other employees by selecting a time period and the employee from the responsible person's menu whose assignments you want to share. Then click on the "Share" button. In the new window select the employee to whom you want to share the assignment and then click on the "Share to employee" button. You can also remove shared assignments from selected employees by selecting the "Remove from previous employees" field.
Another way to share assignments is to click on the "Share selected" button. A new column is activated where you can choose which assignments you want to share. After you have selected the assignments, click on the "Share selected" button. From there the view is similar to the one discussed above.
6. Assignments without the to-do list
If your company is not using to-do list, you can find the "Assignment - All" view on the Time card section.