Task templates are used to copy tasks to projects. This way no manual work is not needed when you add tasks to a new project. If the template changes, these changes can be transferred to the projects that are linked to them. You can create and manage task templates on the "Settings" section of Koho. Go to the "Timetracking" tab and click "+New" button to create a new task template.


This will open a new page that has two tabs: basic info and tasks. 

To the basic info tab you need to fill in a name for the task template. You can also give a description, if needed. You can define the task group to be default which means that a project with this task template is always added to new customers. This can be used if you offer the same service to all customers. The "Archived" selection is usually used for existing task templates if it is needed to hide a task template from the active list.


Adding tasks to a task template

Go the "Tasks" tab and click the "+New" button to add a task.

Choose a product that will act as a principle for invoicing and reporting for this task, if no specific hourly price is given. If you are creating an internal task, product is not needed. You can choose a product by clicking the "+" sign next to its name. If you want find a specific product, you can use the search bar to find it. 


On the second field, you can edit the name of the task that is shown on timetracking. From the third field you can choose whether the task is billable, internal or contractual. 

Billable: Sessions are invoiced normally, and the product functions as a basis for invoicing.
Internal: Sessions are not visible for the biller, and they are only shown in reports. This could include tasks like training and internal meetings. 
Contractual: Sessions are visible to biller, but their price is set to 0€/h as a default. Normally these sessions are archived and not shown invoices, but this can be changed. This type is usually used for contractual work and performance based work where you want to charge products that are added to sessions but not the session itself. 

Optional settings 


You can also define optional settings for a task if you click the "Optional settings" link below the task. 

Tasks have the following optional settings: 

  • Minimum billing (in minutes): The minimum billing in minutes that is charged for this task. For instance, if you fill in 60 to this field, sessions tracked for this task are always rounded to 60 minutes when you invoice them. Note that the minimum billing is not visible on timetracking, as the rounding happens when you take the sessions to an invoice. After this, the sessions are also updated on reports. 
  • Billing period (in minutes)If you set a billing period, it means that sessions are always rounded to this period. For example, if you set billing period to be 15 minutes, a 35 minute session is rounded to 45 minutes. As a default, rounding happens when you add the sessions to an invoice, but this can be edited on your company's invoice settings.
  • Code: If needed, you can set a code for this task. 
  • Price / h: Price per hour for this task that overrides the product's price on the price list.
  • Cost: You can set a cost for the task that replaces default settings.
  • Skill factor %: In this field you can define skill factor for this task which will affect how big amount of the session is invoiced. If you set number 50 in here, from a one hour session only 30 minutes will be invoiced.
  • Price factor %:  In this field you can define the price factor of the task. For example, if you want to invoice only 50% of the price, you can set number 50 to this field. 
  • Description: If needed, you can give a description for the task.
  • CumulativeThis selection defines whether sessions for this task are cumulative.
  • Require invoice descriptionIf this selection is chosen, sessions must always have an invoice description. Sessions cannot be accepted without it.
  • Require internal description: If this selection is chosen, sessions must always have an internal description. Sessions cannot be accepted without it.
  • Absent: If the task is selected to be absent, sessions that are tracked for this session are shown as holiday or absence in the holiday calendar. This is mainly used for internal tasks such as holidays.
  • Clear day load: If sessions are tracked for this task, the day load for that day is cleared. "Cumulative" must not be selected. Used mainly for holiday tasks.
  • Admin confirm: Sessions must be confirmed by an admin user in the holiday calendar.
  • Tracking: The sessions that are added to this task are followed as their own entity. 
  • No costs: Sessions tracked for this task do not add costs, and the task is used only for informative purposes.
  • Admin only: Only admin users can track sessions for this task.
  • Accounting target: From the dropdown down menu you can choose a specific accounting target for this task. Otherwise the product's accounting target is used.

You can also set employee specific  prices by clicking the "Set employee prices" link. Use the "+Add" button to add a row. Then choose the employee and their price per hour.

Save your task template after you have added all tasks. Now it can be added to projects.