1. Compact editing of work sessions
2. Detailed editing of work sessions
3. Adding products to work sessions
1. Compact editing of work sessions
You can make some changes to the work sessions directly on the session row. The typical issues are:
1. Is the invoicing type correct: invoiceable or contractual? Change the type by clicking the blue "€ / h" or "Contractual" link. Contractual work sessions are always 0€/h. If you change the type from contractual type to invoiceable, Koho fetches the default price for the task automatically.
2. Is the price correct? Click the price to edit it.
3. Is the amount of hours or products correct? Click the numbers to edit them.
4. Is the invoice description correct?
These changes are automatically saved.
2. Detailed editing of work sessions
If there is a need to edit the work session in more detail, you can open the full edit window by clicking the work session row or the edit symbol at the beginning of the row. Read more about editing work sessions from this article: 3.8.4 Editing sessions. Remember to save the changes by clicking the green "Save" button. If you changed the customer or the task, you might have to refresh the page to see the changes.
3. Adding products to work sessions
Sometimes there might be a need to add products to work sessions. This can be done by clicking the "+Product" button on the session edit form. You can also click the "+" symbol at the beginning of the work session row. Choose the desired products from the list by clicking the "+" sign next to the product's name. Finally click the "Add selected products" button. You can add several products at the same time.
You can edit the product's invoice description, price and amount on the work session row. The product can be deleted from the red symbol at the end of the row.
4. Merging work sessions
You can merge sessions that were made by same employee for same task to diminish the amount of rows on the invoice. Choose the desired work sessions and click the "Merge" button.
The merged sessions are turned into a joint session. The arrow symbol on the work session row indicates that the work session is a joint session. You can revert the sessions back in to individual sessions by clicking the "Revert" button on the work session edit form.