1. The offer view
2. Sending offers to customers
3. Offer groups

1. The offer view

You can view, edit and accept open offers on the "Offers" section of Koho. On the "Own" tab you can see only offers where you are marked as the seller. On the "By seller" tab you can quickly see offers grouped by their seller. On the "All" tab you can see all open offers. On the "Own" and "All" tabs it is possible to filter the offers for example by their date or customer categories.

If you click on an offer in the listing, it opens into a preview window.

On top of the preview window you can find different functions for the offer:

  • Show offer The preview window closes and you can see the offer on its own page.
  • Download pdf the offer opens into a new tab in pdf format.
  • Email opens a window where you can send the offer to the customer by email. This is covered in more detail in the next part of this article.
  • Edit you can edit the offer. The different definitions for offers are covered in this article: 5.1.1 Creating an offer.
  • Accept this button opens a function where the offer is accepted and then turned into a contract. This function is covered in more detail in this article: 5.1.3 Turning an offer into a contract
  • Reject rejects the offer. You can view rejected offers in the "Offers" section of reporting. 
  • Delete the offer is deleted from Koho and it is not visible in reporting.
  • +Copy you can copy the offer to use it as a basis for a new offer.

2. Sending offers to customers

You can send the offer to your customer directly from Koho by clicking the "Email" button on the offer. In the new window you can make the following definitions:

  • Address here you must define the email address where the offer is sent to. You can send the offer to several addresses if you separate the addresses by a comma. If the customer has contact persons, you can see their contact information below this field.
  • Copy for yourself if you select this, you will get a copy of the email to yourself.
  • Reply-to here you can define the address where the possible answer is sent to. As a default it is sent to the user's email address.
  • Select template from the menu you can select a ready email template. Templates are managed on the "Document templates" section of settings on the "Email-templates" tab.
  • Heading heading of the message.
  • Message here you can write the message. As a default the download link to the offer is at the end of the message. If you want to set the link to another part of the message, you can add the following piece to the text {{download_link <TEXT OF THE LINK>}}. To the "TEXT OF THE LINK" part you can define which text is visible in the link. If you have to stop writing the message, you can save it by clicking the "Save the message" link. The message is saved and you can restore it with the "Restore the message" link next time you click on the "Email" button for the same offer.

3. Offer categories

You can group offers into categories. This makes it easier to view offers if there are a lot of them. You can create categories in the "Offers" section on the "Categories" tab. Click on the "Add category" button to add a category. In the new window give the category a descriptive name.

After you have created some categories, you can find the category selection from the offer's first tab.

You can edit or delete existing categories on the "Categories" page by clicking on top of the category.

You can use offer categories on the "Own" and "All" tabs of the "Offers" section to filter the offers.