1. The work sessions tab

You can process and invoice confirmed work sessions on the "Work sessions" that can be found either on the "Invoices" section or the "Projects" section, depending on your company's settings. If you have restricted admin permissions, you can find the tab either on the "Work sessions" section or on the "Invoices" section. On this page you can see all confirmed billable and contractual sessions of your company grouped by customers and projects. You can also view unconfirmed work sessions, but they cannot be invoiced as a default. Note also that work sessions that were tracked for internal tasks are not visible on this page. 

1.1 Filtering results on the work sessions tab

You can filter work sessions e.g. by date, employee or customer. If you click the small wheel symbol next to the filters, you can save or clear the search criteria.

1.2 Summary of the results and unconfirmed work sessions

Below the filters you can see a summary of all billable and unbillable sessions, what is the monetary value of the billables sessions and the sum of all products that are included in the sessions (in the example below, the sum of billable sessions is 935€ and the products 64€). The amount of unconfirmed sessions is marked with blue colour and their monetary value is below that number. 

The fixed, unconfirmed sum is visible if there are unconfirmed project phases that have a fixed charge.


If you click the unconfirmed hours, you can see a table that shows the amount of unconfirmed sessions by employees and weeks. If you click a cell, you can see a list of all unconfirmed sessions for the selected week for the employee. If necessary, you can confirm the sessions from the "Verify" button. It is recommended, however, to ask the employee to confirm their own sessions. This is a great tool to make sure that all unconfirmed sessions are invoiced.


2. Summary of a customer project

On one row of the page, below the filters and summary, you can see a summary of the customer's project: customer's name, project's name, sum of billable and contractual sessions (an unconfirmed sessions with a blue colour), the monetary value of billable sessions and the monetary value of products that have been added to the sessions. 

The red icon next to the project's name means that the customer has unapproved invoices where the sessions can be added. In general it is recommended to add sessions to an existing invoice to avoid sending multiple invoices for customers.

If you click a row, you can see more specific information about the sessions and the customer's previous invoices. Possible comments for the customer and project are also visible and you may edit them in this view.

You can see all sessions for a certain task if you click on top of the task's name. From the "Open" link you can open all sessions for the project.

Read more about editing work sessions before invoicing from this article: 4.1.2 Editing work sessions before invoicing.


3. Invoicing and archiving sessions

After you have checked that the sessions are correct and possibly merged necessary sessions, you can invoice or archive the sessions. Select the sessions that you want to process and click the "Invoice" button.

You will now see a "Invoice sessions" window where you can choose how the sessions are processed: 



If you choose the "Add to pending invoice" option, you can see a new menu from which you can select the invoice where the sessions will be added.


After you have made the selections, click the "Invoice" button. If you want to edit the invoice after it has been created, click the "+ edit invoice" button instead. Contractual sessions are archived or added to the invoice without charge and products are added to the invoice. 

You can find the invoice from the "Invoices" section on the "Unconfirmed" tab. If you click the invoice, it opens to a preview window. Read more about viewing, editing and sending invoices from this article: 4.1.3 Viewing, editing and sending invoices.


Note that if you delete an invoice that has billable sessions, the sessions are not deleted. Instead, they are returned to the "Work sessions" tab. This guarantees that billable sessions are not deleted by accident. If you want to delete a session, it has to be done on the session edit form.

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