In Koho, there are several ways to create a new customer:
1. Create a new customer in the Customers section
2. Create a new customer while making a new offer
3. Create a new customer while creating a new contract
4. Create a new customer while creating a new project
5. Importing customer data from an Excel or CSV file
1. Create a new customer in the "Customers" section:
"Customers" section is the place where you can view and control all your customer data and create new customers. To create a new customer, simply click the "+Customer" button on the left-hand navigation bar.
Hint: you can also use the blue link below the top navigation bar to create new customers. These links are always visible when using the management side of Koho as well in the admin settings.
There are following tabs on the "Create customer" form: basic info, address info, invoicing info, contacts and responsibilities and timetracking project.
Basic info
The basic info tab has the following fields:
- Name: Name of the customer. You can use the "Prh search" button to find the registered name if you have filled in Business ID. Note: Prh search only works for companies with a Finnish business ID. This field is mandatory.
- Description: You can give the customer an internal description which will be visible on the customer card.
- Customer category: You can add the customer to an existing customer category. From the "+Add" buttton you can add as many tags as you want to the customer. The button is not visible if you have not yet created any tags. Read more about customer categories and tags from this article 3.1.4 Customer management tools
- Business ID: Business ID. You can use the "Prh search" button to find the Business ID if you have filled in the company's name. Note: Prh search only works for companies with Finnish business ID
- Phone, email and website

Address info
Save the customer's delivery address and invoice address. You can use the orange links to copy data from one address to another.
If you need to add a separate invoicing customer, you can do it on this tab. This field is visible only if separate invoicing customers have been activated in your account settings. Contact our customer service if you want to activate this feature.
Invoicing info
On the invoicing info tab you can fing the following invoicing settings. Depending on the features of your Kogo account, this list might look different than the one presented below.
- Catalogue: You can choose a catalogue for this customer. Read more about customer-specific catalogues from this article: 3.2.2 Customer-specific catalogues
- Invoice language: Invoice PDF language. Used either in Koho invoice PDF or sent to bookkeeping software.
- Billing charge: You can add a billing charge for the invoices of this customer. Note that you need to add a product for this purpose in the product register.
- Description (internal): Internal description that will be copied to the invoices for this customer.
- Invoice description (customer): External description that will be visible on the invoices for this customer.
- Billing email: Internal description that will be copied to the invoices for this customer. If the customer has a separate email address for billing, you can fill it in this field. Otherwise the email address on the customer's basic info will be used also for billing.
- Collab info: The information on this field is visible in the customer portal. Only applicable if your company is using the Portal.
- Customer No: If left blank Koho will set next available number as the customer number.
- Customer code: This field is an external identifier for the customer that is used with integrations to other systems. Accepts alphanumeric characters.
- Customer type: Whether the customer is business customer or consumer customer.
- Domain: This field is used to configure tickets to the right customer. If you are not using ticketing in Koho, leave this field empty.
- Accounting account: The default accounting account used for the customer's invoices.
- Accounting target: The accounting target for the customer's invoices. If this field is left empty, Koho automatically chooses the default settings for the chosen product.
- Our reference (default): Default reference that is added to the customer's invoices.
- Your reference (default): Default reference that is added to the customer's invoices.
- Electronic invoicing intermediary: Choose the electronic invoicing intermediary that is used by this customer.
- Web invoice address: The web invoice address used by this customer.
- Default travel product: You can choose the default travel product that is used for this customer when adding a travel expense.
- Kilometers (default): You can set a default number of kilometers that is used when a travel expense is added to the customer.
- Default payment term: The default payment term used for this customer.
- SLA-level: The SLA-level that is used in ticketing for this customer. SLA-levels can be managed from general invoicing settings.
- VAT 0%: By choosing this field, all of the customer's invoices will automatically have their VAT values set to zero.
- Marketing ban: If needed, you can use this field to follow which customers have a marketing ban.
- Block work sessions: If this field is chosen, it is not possible to track work sessions for this customer.
- Merge invoice rows: You can choose whether the customer's invoice rows are merged or not. The default setting can be altered from general invoicing settings.
- Merged row description and advanced row merging configuration: Used by Koho administrators to customize invoice row merging. Unless otherwise instructed, leave these fields empty.
- Invoice default attachment: Default attachment for the invoices of this customer.
- Auto-delegate invoices: In this field you can choose if you want to create consolidated invoices automatically for this customer. If this is activated and the customer has unapproved invoices, new invoices will be consolidated with the existing invoice. You can also activate this feature only for the customer's contract invoices.
- Default price per hour: Default price per hour for customer's work hours. Overrides customer's price catalogue.
- Set prices per employees: Customize prices for specific employees. This setting will override customer's default price per hour.
- Penalty interest: Penalty interest for this customer that is differs from the default setting.
- Additional fields for semantic invoices: If you need to send semantic invoices for this customer, fill these fields.
Choosing the "show additional fields" will open the following settings.
- Invoice template (default) : If your company has multiple invoice templates, you can choose which one is used for this customer.
- Default rate level: Default rate level for this customer.
Use the "+Add" button to add new responsibilities. The first responsible person that is added for the customer is also set as the seller. You can also define a timespan and a role for the responsible person. Read more about roles from this article: 3.6.6. Customer and project roles.

In this tab you can also add contact persons for the customer by clicking the "+ New contact" button. You can add name, title, role and contact information for the contact person. When you click the role field, Koho shows a list of roles that you have previously saved for contact persons. If you want to save a new role, you can simply write it to the field.
Use the "Link" button to link existing contacts to a new customer.
Timetracking project:
In this tab you can create a timetracking project for the customer and also add the customer to pre-existing assignment templates. Note that this tab is visible only if you are creating a new customer. If you are editing the information of an existing customer, this tab is no longer visible. Follow these instructions to create a project for an existing customer: 3.3.1 How to create a new project?
Contains the most important basic information related to a project:
- Name: Give a descriptive name to the project.
- Description: Internal description, only visible to employees.
- Participants: Add participants to the project.
- Task templates: Add one or more task templates to the project.
You can make more specific definitions for the project after you have saved the customer. Read more about projects from these articles: 3.3.1 How to create a project? and 3.3.2 How to edit or delete a project
Add the customer to pre-existing assignment templates by selecting the ones the customer should be linked to. Read more about assignment templates: 3.5.1 How to create an assignment template?
Finally remember to save the customer!
2. Create a new customer while making a new offer
You can create a new customer while making a new offer in the "Offers" section. To create a new offer, click the "+Offer" button.
In the offer form, press the +New customer button. When you save the offer, the customer data will be saved as a new customer.
Please note that by creating a new customer this way, you need to add a timetracking project afterwards if you want to track time for the customer. Read here how to do it: Why is my new customer not visible in timetracking?
3. Create a new customer while creating a new contract
You can also create a new customer while creating a new contract in the "Contracts" section. To create a new contract, click the "+Contract" button.
In the offer form, press the +New customer button. When you save the contract, the customer data will be saved as a new customer.
Please note that by creating a new customer this way, you need to add a timetracking project afterwards if you want to track hours for the customer. Read here how to do it: Why is my new customer not visible in timetracking?
4. Create a new customer when creating a new project
You can also create a new customer while creating a new project in the "Projects" section. To create a new project, click the "+Project" button.
In the offer form, press the +New customer button. When you save the project, the customer data will be saved as a new customer.
5. Importing customer data from an Excel or CSV file
You can also import customer data from an external file by clicking the "+Import" button in the "Customers" section. The files need to be in Excel or CSV format. Importing customer data is useful when you need to add a lot of customer at the same time. For detailed instructions see this article: 3.1.5 Importing customers from an Excel or CSV file.
Do you need more assistance? Please contact our customer service