Tracking working hours

To add a session to a customer, choose the correct customer, task and day from the task rows and fill in the hours and minutes you worked for the task. After you have filled in the time, you can add an invoice description and an internal comment to the session. You can also add products to the session which is explained in more detail in this article: 2.3.4 Timesheet - Adding products, travel expenses and attachments to sessions. If you want to check invoice description etc. after you have saved the session, you can reopen the form by double clicking the cell or pressing enter inside the cell.

Accepting working hours

If you want to accept all working hours for the week, you can click on the "Accept" button on bottom of the page. Alternatively you can select the "Confirm week/month" option above the weekly view. You can also accept working hours by task row by clicking the green button on the right side of the row. After you have accepted the sessions, they become visible for the biller.

If your company is using term locks, you can lock all sessions for the week or month (depending on your company's settings) by selecting the the "Lock week x/ month x" field. After you have locked the term, the cells turn gray and you cannot edit them anymore. 

Unconfirmed hours appear with red borders and accepted hours with green borders on the weekly view. You can edit even accepted sessions until they have been invoiced or archived by the biller. The cell turns gray after this and editing is no longer possible. 

On the right top corner you can see unconfirmed hours that have not yet been accepted. If you click on the number, Koho opens the week where the unconfirmed hours are, so you can easily accept them.