There are two ways to set hour targets in Koho. In this article we will look at setting hour targets when using the timecard to follow flexitime. If you want to set hour targets when using the work-day clock, take a look at this solutions article: 3.7.1 Setting hour targets when using the work-time clock


Setting hour targets

Admin users must set hour targets for employees to follow flexitime. Hour targets are set on the "Users" page on the "Work hours" tab. Click the "+Term" button to set hour targets.


On the "Create term" window set the working hour target (e.g. 7:30 hours/day) and the time period for the hour targets. On the "Time" field you can choose the daily timespan for the hour targets. In practice sessions can also be tracked outside of this timespan, so the timespan is meant to be informative. 

From the day selection you can choose for which days of the week the hour targets are set. With the "No mid-week holidays" selection you can choose whether hour targets are set for mid-week holidays. In order for the mid-week holiday calendar to function properly, it is not recommended to set hour targets more than two years beforehand. With the "Specify from the start of use" selection the hour targets are set only for time period where the user had been created. You can also add a comment to the hour target.

Finally, choose the employees you want to set the hour targets for. It is also possible to select entire teams with the "Select all" option. From the "Select a group" option you can choose entire employee groups. Click "Save" to create the hour targets.

Koho creates hour targets for the selected employees. You can see the hour targets on the "Work hours" tab.


Editing hour targets

Editing hour targets happens by replacing the old hour targets with new hour targets. Follow instructions on setting hour targets to create new hour targets.

Tip! If working hour targets start to appear on mid-week holidays, it is time to reset hour targets and then set new hour targets. The mid-week holiday calendar in Koho only works for two years in advance. To fix this problem, you must first reset hour targets and then set the hour targets again. Follow the instructions on "Resetting hour targets" and "Setting hour targets" parts of this article. When you are resetting hour targets, unselect the "No mid-week holidays" option. 

Resetting hour targets

To reset hour targets, go to the "Shifts" tab on the "Users" page. Click on the "+Term" button. On the "Create term" window set the working hour target to zero. Then choose the time period. When resetting all hour targets, you can put the end date far to the future. If there are hour targets also on weekends, choose also Saturday and Sunday. If you want to remove hour targets from mid-week holidays, unselect the "No mid-week holidays" field. Finally select the employees and click "Save".

If you need further information about hour targets, contact our customer service at